Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 23


Issue 23 | 2015

Issue 23



Competing on Alignment

The most powerful strategic management tool is also the most misunderstoodConsultants often use military analogies comparing competitors to enemies and strategies to battle plans This tradition arose in the early days of strategic planning in the s when many executives and writers had personal experience of military life But for the life scienc...

Research & Development

Future Trends in Ion Channel and Solute Transporter Drug Discovery

Ion channels have been excellent drug discovery targets for decades with clinically meaningful drugs identified targeting sodium channels including eg lamotrigine calcium channels eg amlopdipine GABA receptors eg diazepam and ATPgated potassium channels eg glipizide and several others However new ion channel modulators have not been emerging at a r...

Redesigning Drugs

For better performance

Programs to identify and evaluate novel therapeutic agents are expensive take a long time and do not guarantee a successful outcome Proving safety and efficacy is difficult complex and slow Furthermore even after efficacy and safety are demonstrated and the compound becomes a medicinal product the complexities of disease and of the drug action alli...


Modularisation in Biologics Manufacturing

Recent trends and developments

Design construction and installation of complete modular production facilities for pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals have in recent years been widely accepted According to Gilroy and Martini modular construction of a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility refers to construction of all or part of a new or renovated facility built at a remote loc...

Innovation Challenges in Manufacturing

Regulatory agencies in charge of protecting the population against health risks have a large burden divided mainly between two large areas The first is a direct consequence of the mission that is to effectively protect the population against health risks across the diverse industrial sectors and activities which might generate risks This implies th...
