Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 26


Issue 26 | 2017

Issue 26



Trends in Pharma Export Industry in India

While talking about the beginning of Indian pharmaceutical industry it begun in the late s and early s out of the need to meet local shortages and bring down the cost At that time most medicines were imported into India and market was dominated by MNCs Once domestic market was conquered by local companies there was a need to spread their wings in i...

Plotting Efficient Paths for Clinical Development

Clinical development is a complex puzzle with regulatory requirements epidemiology technology and specific clinical expertise all involved in how efficiently a product is developed and ultimately brought to market Many elements of this puzzle are closely related to geography and vary from one region to another As a result thoughtfully considering t...

Generics in Switzerland

The portrait

In the market reached million Francs US million seven per cent growth in value over but market penetration still lags considerably behind the OECD average The reason the generics market is not yet fully developed in Switzerland is in large part due to a lack of incentives for doctors and pharmacists when it comes to prescription The Swiss generi...

Indian Pharma Companies Need Supply Chain Transformation

Unlocking growth

India has emerged as one of the worlds fastest growing pharmaceutical markets over the past decade The industry saw a growth of around per cent per annum between and and now stands at US billion The generic drug sector expanded at an even faster pace of per cent per annum during the same period and now accounts for per cent share of global exp...

Research & Development

Wearable Large Volume Drug Delivery Devices

Hold key to pharmaceutical lifecycle management, patient preference

It costs approximately US billion yuan to bring a single new drug to marketand the cost as well as the hurdles to innovation are getting higher Yet innovation is crucial to the pharmaceutical industry and the need for a strong product pipeline is sending companies racing to develop some of the most promising new treatmentsbiologicsin the hope of d...

Biologics and Biosimilars

Promising field for medicines for the future

Up until a few years ago the field of medicine was largely dominated by small molecules or pharmaceuticals as they are more commonly known Large molecules or biologics were relatively less heard of and there were very few players operating globally in this area Over the past two decades the biotechnology industry has come a long way According to a...

Clinical Trials

Patient Recruitment

An industry challenge

Patient recruitment and retention is frequently the most laborintensive and difficult part of the clinical trial process and is often a barrier to the successful completion of a study Industry data indicates that patient recruitment can represent more than per cent of total study costs and sponsors bear a tremendous cost when ambitious recruitment...


Trends in Pharmaceutical Packaging and Delivery

The global pharmaceutical market is evolving driven by greater international regulatory requirements for improved quality as well as local healthcare policy such as the expansion of universal health coverage for Chinas nearly billion citizens launched in its annual spending projected to grow about per cent in both and according to Deloitte rese...
